Top five things to do before your first off road 4x4 adventure

There’s nothing like the lead up to a holiday, especially an off-road all Aussie adventure. 4WD trips require planning and preparation so your trip is memorable for the right reasons. Most importantly a Penrith mechanic can help you service your 4WD before your big trip,here’s the top six things you should consider when preparing for your first off road adventure.

Join a 4WD club
Firstly, meet like-minded people at your local 4WD club. You can mix with more experienced drivers and learn about tracks they have completed to help you with your own research and help you decide which tracks you will tackle first.

Driving and First Aid courses
Secondly, increase your off road skills and the First Aid course helps you keep it all together when the pressure is on.

Communications and Maps
Thirdly, you need a detailed off-road map of a track that suits your experience level and vehicle. Decide (based on the distance and complexity of your planned trip) whether you will need a CB radio and/or GPS or not. You’re not really ‘out bush’ if you still have phone coverage.

Pack it up!
Here’s a basic list..
·       Petrol - its ok to be a 4WD rookie, don’t embarrass yourself with an empty tank on your first off-road trip.
·       Food and Water
·       First Aid Kit
·       Basic Recovery Gear – Shovel, Jack, Jacking Plate, Snatch Strap and rated D shackles, Winch and Air Compressor.
·       Fire Extinguisher (fingers crossed this won’t be needed on your first trip!)

Do you really know your beloved Betsy inside and out?
We accept our friends good and bad points and you should do the same for Betsy aka your 4WD. Let’s not pretend that she’s perfect, you need to know her intimately i.e. Weak axles? Be gentle on the throttle, Betsy will appreciate it and you will both return home in good working order. You can always ask a professional Penrith mechanic for their advice about these weaknesses on your next visit.

Get your 4x4 checked by a professional
Lastly, you may think you are the  ‘MacGyver’ of outback 4WD  servicing and repairs but don’t risk finding out your more like Russell Coight , get your 4WD checked by a Penrith mechanic that specializes in 4WDs like Penrith Engines prior to your trip so you are ready for anything.

So for these reasons, seriously consider getting a Penrith mechanic to check Betsy so assist in your off-road preparations so you can have an awesome trip full with new 4WD buddies, laughs and off-road adventure and fun. Contact Penrith Engine Services on 02 4731 6302 or complete this form.


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